3 Reasons To Review And Update Your Backup And Disaster Recovery Protocol

The world has changed a lot in recent years. Many of these changes have had an impact on not only social engagement, but on the way people engage with technology as well. The increase in virtualization, the rapid switch from on-site employment to a work-from-home model, and evolving cybersecurity risks may have resulted in your backup and disaster recovery (BDR) protocol becoming outdated. Here are three valid reasons you should consider modernizing and updating your BDR protocol now. Read More 

Looking For That Technology Edge? Consider Lithium Batteries

The technology industry is one of the most fast-paced and rapidly evolving industries in the marketplace. As a result, business owners and product developers are often scrambling to be on top of the cutting-edge equipment release news. If you're in the midst of creating a product like this, you'll need to prioritize your power source. One of the most popular options in technology today is the lithium battery. Here's a look at some of the things you should know if you're considering a lithium battery as your product's power source. Read More 

Things Sign Companies Can Better Control When Using Estimating Software

If you have a sign business that makes a bunch of signs for different purposes, you have to manage a lot of data and factors. That isn't going to be a problem if you depend on a sign estimating software program. If you choose wisely, you'll have better control over several key aspects of your sign business. Shipping There are a lot of things involved with shipping when running a sign business. Read More 

Important Steps to Take When Purchasing a 10-Meter Radio

10-meter radios have a lot of important applications, such as emergency communication and localized communication within a community. If you plan on buying a radio and want it to be a meaningful purchase, take these steps.  Find a System You're Comfortable With It would be amazing to have a radio that comes with a lot of innovative and modern features, but they can't be put to good use if you're not sure of how to utilize these things. Read More 

5 Features To Look For In A Security Camera System

Security cameras are among the most proven ways to deter theft and crime. It's important, though, to have the right sort of security camera system in place to maximize your investment. You may want to consider these 5 features before you acquire a new system. Coverage Cameras should provide thorough coverage across the area in question. This may entail using overlapping fields of view to maximize coverage. Alternatively, you can invest in security cameras that have fish-eye lenses that provide a wider field of view. Read More