How often does your business maintain its Information Technology systems? Do you clean out the fans every month, or just when the systems are noticeably dirty? Are your storage drive replacements done on a regular schedule, or do you have a plan for removing devices that fail more than once? Every business has different budget and efficiency needs when it comes to maintaining their computer and server systems, and a few of these details can help you figure out how to best organize your business IT maintenance planning.
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Purchasing clothing, electronics, and even groceries online is becoming more popular among households of all sizes. If you are an onlne shopper, you already know how convenient it is to browse, select, and purchase the items you want to buy from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Even better are extra benefits, like using less fuel to shop at physical stores and being able to stay away from crowds during flu season.
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So you've got a great idea for an app. Your goal is to design, implement it, and get it featured on a system. That's a great goal. However, given the number of apps that are added to the systems, you might not have much luck getting your first app featured. Before you spend all your time, and your money, designing an app that might not see the light of day, make sure you've established a foundation for success.
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Many businesses are switching to a more flexible way of maintaining communications. Higher internet speeds, sophisticated data routing, and feature-filled Voice over IP (VOIP) systems have made it easier to use in-house phone systems without having to connect a lot of older, harder to maintain copper switchboards. Here are a few ways that businesses have adopted VOIP on top of their standard internet use, along with ways to balance both systems for efficient communications.
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A data center is extremely important to your business. The data center consists of networked computer services that are used by businesses like yours for data processing, remote storage, and/or distributing data to all of the computers within your organization and to your customers. If your business is moving, you are consolidating one building or business with another, or you have outgrown your current data center and need a larger one, you may be planning a data center move.
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